Congested Heart Failure (Synopsis)

Chronic (Congested) Heart Failure in animals is a serious condition in which heart does not pump blood as efficiently as it should.

Chronic Heart Failure in animals (Synopsis)

Chronic (Congested) Heart Failure


Diseases of the endocardium, myocardium & pericardium that interfere with the flow of blood into or away from the heart, or that impair myocardial function, may result in congestive heart failure

Clinical Findings

Generalized venous distension & edema in right-sided failure; pulmonary edema and respiratory distress in left-sided failure

Necropsy Findings:

Subcutaneous edema, ascites, hydrothorax, and hydropericardium; enlargement & engorgement of the liver with right-sided failure; pulmonary edema with left-sided failure

Diagnostic Confirmation


Clinical Pathology

Increased plasma or serum concentration of cardiac troponin I, a cardiac-specific enzyme


Treatment of specific cause, often unsuccessful; diuretics, salt restriction, minimize activity, possibly digoxin

"In Accordance with Vet-Endorsed Practices."


Veterinary medicine 11th edition book

Published by muhammadasadayub


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