Rickets (Synopsis)

A brief summary of rickets disease of animals, its etiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, necropsy findings, differential diagnosis list, treatment and control. Rickets in animals Rickets is a disorder affecting the skeleton of growing animal. Etiology Deficiencies of any / Combination of phosphorus and vitamin D, and less commonly calcium. Inherited forms are recognized in sheep andContinue reading “Rickets (Synopsis)”

East Cost Fever (Theileriosis) Synopsis

Here is the brief summary of theileriosis, its etiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, clinical pathology, lesions, differential diagnosis, treatment and control. Theileriosis (East Cost Fever) It is a group of tick born diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the Theileria genus. Destroy red blood cells, causing anemia and, in some cases, jaundice or hemoglobinuria in animals. EtiologyContinue reading “East Cost Fever (Theileriosis) Synopsis”

Osteomalacia (Mineral Deficiency Disease) Synopsis

A brief summary of osteomalacia its etiology, clinical signs, epidemiology, clinical pathology, postmortem lesions, differential diagnosis list, treatment and control. Osteomalacia (Mineral Deficiency Disease) Osteomalacia is a mineral deficiency disease that occurs in many animal species and is associated with failure in bone tissue mineralization. Etiology Absolute or relative deficiency of any one or combination ofContinue reading “Osteomalacia (Mineral Deficiency Disease) Synopsis”

Actinomycosis (Lumpy Jaw) Synopsis

Here we will discuss Etiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, clinical pathology, diagnostic confirmation, treatment and control of this disease.  Actinomycosis or Lumpy jaw: It is a localized, chronic, progressive, granulomatous abscess that most frequently involves the mandible, the maxillae, or other bony tissues in the head Etiology: Actinomycosis bovis, which is normal inhabitant of ruminant oralContinue reading “Actinomycosis (Lumpy Jaw) Synopsis”

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