Signs of a dehydrated dog

Signs of dehydration in your dog Make sure your pup gets plenty of shade and water . If you notice any of these your vet. 1)-SKIN Parched : lacking elasticity 2)-BACK : Warm to the touch 3)-HEAD Lethargic : visibly tired 4)-Eyes : sunken 5)-NOSE Dry : chapped 6)-MOUTH : Dry mouth and gums,Continue reading “Signs of a dehydrated dog”

How to clean your dogs ear?

⭕ Soak a cotton ball or pad in Brave Beagle Ear Cleaner liquid. ⭕ Squeeze the cleaner into your dog’s ear and use the cotton ball to hold the ear closed. ⭕ Massage the base of the ear to allow liquid to move through the ear. ⭕ massage the ear base for around 30 toContinue reading “How to clean your dogs ear?”

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